July 12, 2022

This is Kei and Kazuki, founders of Glasp 👋

We are sending you 3 good articles to highlight this week. Hopefully, it will bring you new perspectives and help you develop your career and learning journey. (you can read this newsletter online!)

📚 This Week's Reading List

Creativity Is a Process, Not an Event by James Clear (7min)
Creative thinking requires our brains to make connections between seemingly unrelated ideas. Even some claim that “I'm just not the creative type” is a pretty weak excuse for avoiding creative thinking. Your creative skills are primarily determined by whether you approach the creative process with a fixed mindset or a growth mindset.
🔗 Glasp Community Highlights
🔍 more content in #Thinking

Shipping is a Feature: Some Guiding Principles for People That Build Things by Michael Copeland (6min)
Shipping is a feature. Every PM knows this but it is also the hardest thing to get right. As a PM you throw around things like “the enemy of the good is the perfect” or, well, “shipping is a feature” all the time, yet we all have a hard time getting a product out the door. There’s always more to do to get it right. Once you release the product you begin a new adventure building the next iteration.
🔗 Glasp Community Highlights
🔍 more content in #Product Management

What is good retention by Lenny Rachitsky (8min)
Although retention is widely considered to be the most important metric to get right when building (and investing in) a business, it’s also one of the least understood. Why? Because unless you’re a growth expert or an experienced investor, you’re often relying on anecdotes, dated blog posts, and misguided benchmarks. It's the best indicator of product-market fit, it is the most important factor in a user’s lifetime value, and high retention drives all of the best acquisition strategies.
🔗 Glasp Community Highlights
🔍 more content in #Retention

📣 Community News

  • 🟥 Product Updates
  • You can set color labels and show the definition of your color choice on your profile page. Look at this tweet to see how to do it 👀
  • 🟩 Community Meetup
  • We had a community meetup last Friday and Saturday. We were glad to see everyone there, thank you for coming✨ We will have it the second week of August again, so we hope to see you all again🤝
  • 🟧 Reading Campaign
  • We will start this month's #read5for5 campaign next week. Please stay tuned for further details this Sunday.
  • 🟦 Article
  • We published an article, "The Greatest Legacy for Future Generations." This is a translated one from a book that was published in 1897. We are influenced by the book a lot, so we hope you read it, too📚

❤️ Gratitude

  • Thank you, everyone, for sharing and mentioning us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and in your blogs 🙂 We really appreciate all of your support! Please feel free to ask us anything at any time and looking forward to meeting you at the community meetup 🤝

You can see Glasp featured curators from here 💎

Hope you enjoyed reading this newsletter!
See you next week ;)

Kei and Kazuki

Today's Quote: “There is no institution more powerful than the institution of your mind.” — Naide P. Obiang

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