September 25, 2024: The Simple Rule for Achieving Ambitious Goals

“All models are wrong, but some are useful.“

— George Box

Hi friends,

How's everything going?
This is Kei and Kazuki, founders of Glasp 👋

We hand-picked 3 good articles for you to highlight this week. Hope they'll help you get new ideas and perspectives. (You can read this online!)

📚 3 Good Articles for You

How to Autoregulate Your Habits
by Leo Babauta (3 mins)

  • Autoregulation is a method for building habits by gradually increasing difficulty when successful and decreasing it when struggling, promoting long-term success without burnout.
  • Start small and increase gradually (e.g., 2 extra minutes of exercise or waking up 5 minutes earlier each day) while allowing breaks and adjustments based on your capacity and energy levels.
  • This method works for habits like exercise, waking up early, journaling, and focus sessions, but it can also apply to other goals with the flexibility to adapt over time.

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The Simple Rule for Achieving Ambitious Goals
by Scott Young (3 mins)

  • The key to achieving ambitious goals is applying the "10x Rule"—putting in ten times the effort on the crucial activities that lead to success.
  • Success often comes from doing the obvious thing more consistently and frequently than others, such as dating, language learning, or writing, where persistence and volume matter more than technique.
  • Embracing discomfort and hardship is essential, as the "trick" to achieving difficult goals is not avoiding pain, but accepting it as part of the process.

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If You Want to Earn More, Stop Procrastinating
by Darius Foroux (4 mins)

  • Procrastination on career or financial decisions can significantly delay personal and financial growth, often due to excuses like waiting for bonuses or lacking time to job search.
  • To overcome this, start by managing your finances, setting clear financial and income goals, stepping out of your comfort zone to upskill or take on new challenges, and seeking guidance from mentors.
  • Taking small, immediate steps towards financial goals can prevent missed opportunities and future regret, ensuring long-term success and income growth.

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📣 Community

  • 🟦 AI Clone Suggested Questions:
    We added suggested questions to AI Clone. You can show up to three questions when you or other users come to your AI Clone. To add the questions, go to the AI Clone page through Settings. Also, please try out Kazuki's AI Clone.
Kazuki's AI Clone.
  • 🟥 Glasp Talk with Bosky Mukherjee:
    Glasp Talk features intimate interviews with luminaries, revealing their emotions, experiences, and stories. The guest, Bosky Mukherjee, is an inspiring leader in the tech world and the founder and CEO of PMDojo, a platform dedicated to empowering product managers and leaders to drive impact at scale.

Liliana Malai
Liliana Malai learns authenticity, confidence, productivity, and more! Let’s follow and learn together 🤝

Liliana Malai

Please mention @Glasp and share your profile page on X to get featured!

❤️ Gratitude

We found some people who mentioned Glasp in their articles and blogs, and we appreciate all the kindness!

Thank you for sharing and mentioning us on X, LinkedIn, and/or in your blogs 🙂 We appreciate your support! Please feel free to ask us anything at any time! Also, feel free to join our Slack community ;)

Hope you enjoyed reading this newsletter!
See you next week ;)

Kei and Kazuki


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