Bookmark Web Pages, PDFs, YouTube Videos, and Tweets with Glasp

We’re ecstatic to unveil a major enhancement to Glasp: comprehensive bookmarking capabilities! Now you can seamlessly bookmark and organize content from web pages, PDFs, YouTube videos, and even tweets. Here’s a quick rundown of how you can enhance your learning and research workflow with Glasp: 🧵👇

📌 Easy Bookmarking 📌

Bookmarking with Glasp is straightforward. Whether you're browsing the web, watching a YouTube video, or reviewing a document, simply use our browser extension or app to save your favorite spots. Access all your bookmarks from your profile for easy retrieval and management.

🗂 Organize with Filter 🗂

Keep your bookmarks organized with Glasp’s dynamic filtering. Sort bookmarks by content types to filter through content quickly. Our organizational features ensure that you can find exactly what you need when you need it, maintaining a clean and efficient workspace.

🖍 Highlight & Annotate 🖍

Not just bookmarking—Glasp lets you highlight and annotate directly on web pages, PDFs, YouTube videos, and tweets. Use our intuitive tools to mark important sections and add your thoughts and insights. Customize your annotations with different colors and tags.

🧠 AI-Powered Insights 🧠

Leverage the power of AI to get more from your bookmarks. Glasp offers AI-driven insights and summaries for your saved content. Engage with your bookmarks through automated summaries and in-depth analyses, helping you grasp key points faster and more efficiently.

💡 Start Bookmarking Today! 💡

Ready to revolutionize how you save and interact with content? Visit Glasp now and explore the new bookmarking features. Your next level of productivity and learning awaits!

Glasp: PDF & Web Highlighter for Researchers & Learners
Glasp is a PDF & Web highlighter that helps you collect and organize your favorite quotes and thoughts from the web. You can also access other like-minded people’s learning and build your AI clone from your highlights and notes.

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Ready to highlight and find good content?

Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.

Start Highlighting