Creations by Glaspers

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at👋 We’re excited to connect with you and hear your ideas and feedback!
What is this page?
- Thankfully, many Glaspers wrote about Glasp on their media and made design for us. On this page, we collect these articles and designs so that other Glaspers can see how they use, how they feel, and what they like about! If you write an article about Glasp, please let us know through email, Twitter, Linkedin, or Slack. We will add yours to this page📚
- Building your digital legacy with Kazuki Nakayashiki, co-founder of Glasp by Anne-Laure Le Cunff
Building your digital legacy with Kazuki Nakayashiki, co-founder of Glasp
In this interview, we talked about the nature of human legacy, the knowledge isolation problem, serendipitous spaced repetition, social knowledge management and collective intelligence, learning in public, the impact of social accountability on note-taking, and more.

- Glasp vs. Matter: Which Highlighter App Should You Use?
Glasp vs. Matter: Which Highlighter App Should You Use?
Previously, we showed you 10 of the best web highlighters you can get right now. In this post, we are going to bring two of them to a more detailed

- Highlight Your Web Exploration with by Dustin Miller
Highlight Your Web Exploration with
Today we are taking a look at the wonderful web highlighting tool called Glasp, that allows you to share your learning in a peer based environment.

- Glasp, the social highliner by Marco Castellani
Glasp, the social highliner
Yes, I wouldn’t want to define it differently, because this tool is really a wonderful social highliner. This is what Danilo Ruocco also calls him in his excellent article (Danilo, journalist and w…

- Going from 0-1k, SEO & Content Strategies, and Glasp by Benjamin Boman
Going from 0-1k, SEO & Content Strategies, and Glasp
Marketer and Podcast host.

- How I Use Glasp To Highlight & Take Notes On The Internet by Ev Chapman
How I Use Glasp To Highlight & Take Notes On The Internet
Better Than A Read It Later App — Glasp Is A Read It Now App
- The Explosion of 2nd Brain Apps by Susan Pearson - Creative Fibro
The Explosion of 2nd Brain Apps
There is currently an explosion of second brain or knowledge management tool, here are two more I am playing with.
- Glasp – Capturing Information from the Web by Tara B
Glasp – Capturing Information from the Web
So I wanted to share more about this since I’ve been using it for the last few days, and looking it up for a lot longer. I have loved how easy it is to use, how intuitive and that I can save …

- Social web highlighting and annotation with Glasp by Mark Grabe
Social web highlighting and annotation with Glasp
My recent technology exploration and writing have focused on social highlighting and annotation. The idea here is that one can expand personal reading/viewing experiences by processing the content …

- Make Highlights And Annotations Social With Glasp The Social Highlighter by Andy Sporring
Make Highlights And Annotations Social With Glasp The Social Highlighter
Glasp Is Also A Learning Community!
- Glasp: A Web Clipper & Web Highlighter Makes My Life Easier by Shahnewaz Zwaki
Glasp: A Web Clipper & Web Highlighter Makes My Life Easier -
Glasp is a web clipper and web highlighter. It can highlight texts and copy to its clipboard, take notes, shear quotation on Twitter.

- This Artificial Intelligence (AI) Application Does YouTube Summary with ChatGPT by Dhanshree Shripad Shenwai
This Artificial Intelligence (AI) Application Does YouTube Summary with ChatGPT
Glasp is a social online highlighter that allows users to annotate and organize web-based quotations and ideas in one place, share their learning, and access the annotated content of others with similar interests. Greatest Accumulated Shared Proof, or Glasp for short. In June of 2021, the Glasp team…

- How I’m Letting Internet Strangers Find Smarter Articles For Me via Glasp by Benjamin Boman
How I’m Letting Internet Strangers Find Smarter Articles For Me via Glasp
Recently I’ve been reflecting on the overall suggestion made by Cal Newport to declutter my digital lifestyle and focus on the essentials.

- Glasp: An AI Powered Content Summarizer Tool for Youtube, Kindle & Other by Saurabh Mukhekar
Glasp: An AI Powered Content Summarizer Tool for Youtube, Kindle & Other
Glasp is one of the best youtube AI Content Summarizer & kindle book Summarizer tool which will enrich your online learning.

- An Ultimate Guide to Glasp by Onyeanuna Prince
An Ultimate Guide to Glasp
Unlocking the Potential of Glasp: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering its Features.

Beyond Highlighting — Improving Your Learning with Glasp
Improve your learning with Glasp — a web and PDF highlighter.

- Glasp – Una forma para el aprendizaje social by Carlos Solís Salazar
Glasp – Una forma para el aprendizaje social – Carlos Solís Salazar

- Construir tu legado digital con Kazuki Nakayashiki, cofundador de Glasp by Carlos Solís Salazar
Construir tu legado digital con Kazuki Nakayashiki, cofundador de Glasp – Carlos Solís Salazar

- Condividere le fonti con Glasp by Danilo Ruocco
Condividere le fonti con Glasp
Ecco a cosa serve Glasp
- Glasp, l’evidenziatore sociale by Marco Castellani
Glasp, l’evidenziatore sociale
E non mi verrebbe da definirlo diversamente, perché è davvero un eccellente evidenziatore sociale questo strumento. Così lo chiama anche Danilo Ruocco nel suo eccellente articolo (Danilo, giornalis…

- Costruire la propria eredità digitale by Marco Castellani
Costruire la propria eredità digitale
Dietro a tante realizzazioni tecniche ci sono delle storie, e spesso sono proprio queste le cose più importanti. Quello che ci colpisce veramente è il “fattore umano”, quello che ci spi…

- Buuin ang iyong digital legacy kasama si Kazuki Nakayashiki, co-founder ng Glasp by Nic Yap
Buuin ang iyong digital legacy kasama si Kazuki Nakayashiki, co-founder ng Glasp
This is a Filipino translation of “Building your digital legacy with Kazuki Nakayashiki, co-founder of Glasp” originally published in Ness Labs.

- [🇫🇷] Bâtir son héritage numérique avec Kazuki Nakayashiki, co-fondateur de Glasp by Thiény Konaté
[🇫🇷] Bâtir son héritage numérique avec Kazuki Nakayashiki, co-fondateur de Glasp
[Note : This is the french translation of an article about Glasp, a social web clipper app I use quite often. You can find the original article here:]
- Glasp. Surligner et prendre des notes sur le web by Fidel Navamuel
Glasp. Surligner et prendre des notes sur le web
Glasp permet de prendre des notes en ligne, de surligner des passages et de les partager de manière originale. Un outil de curation intéressant et gratuit.

- Erschaffe dein digitales Erbe mit Kazuki Nakayashiki, Mitbegründer von Glasp! by Jordan Zollfrank
Erschaffe dein digitales Erbe mit Kazuki Nakayashiki, Mitbegründer von Glasp!
Lies diesen Artikel im Original auf der Website von Anne-Laure Le Cunff:

- Glasp共同創業者 中屋敷量貴氏に聞くデジタルレガシーの構築 by Kazuki Nakayashiki
Glasp共同創業者 中屋敷量貴氏に聞くデジタルレガシーの構築|Kazuki Nakayashiki|note
本記事はNess Labsの記事「Building your digital legacy with Kazuki Nakayashiki, co-founder of Glasp」をNess Labsの了承を得て翻訳しております。 Glasp共同創業者 中屋敷量貴氏に聞くデジタルレガシーの構築 Anne-Laure Le Cunff • 読了時間: 18分 「Tools for Thought」シリーズへようこそ。このシリーズでは、私たちにより良い思考をもたらし、知的で創造的な大志を実現することを使命とする創業者たちにインタビューしていきます。中屋敷量貴さんは、ウェブとノート

- Glasp 擷取網頁文章、線上影片重點摘要,收集筆記不再囫圇吞棗 by esor huang
Glasp 擷取網頁文章、線上影片重點摘要,收集筆記不再囫圇吞棗
Thank you for writing about us 🙌 Let’s leave something great for future generations📚🤝
YouTube Video
- Comment surligner une page web sur Safari et Chrome avec Glasp, le surligneur social by Mat H
- 8 Chrome Extensions You Probably Didn't Know Existed! by Aurelius Tjin
- Jordan Peterson’s Advice on How to Become a Genius by ProjectElon
- Notion App Tutorial: 10 Tips To Improve Your Notes in Notion for 2022! by Productivity Dude
- Notion GTD Tutorial: Creating a GTD Dashboard in Notion! (Free GTD Template!) ✅ by Productivity Dude
- News online: come gestirle con #Flipboard, #Glasp e #Notion by Danilo Ruocco
- Copy Highlighted Text From Any Website Through Glasp Extension by Cade Limsh
- How to Transcribe YouTube Podcasts or Videos for Obsidian Notes by Ric Raftis
Design by Glaspers
- 3D-ish design by Maria Fernanda
- Poster design by Himanshu Sethi
I'm happy and excited to share my first poster design work.
— Himanshu Sethi (@Himansh12101920) July 24, 2022
Thank you @_Glasp for providing me with such a wonderful opportunity
Fun Side Project
- Play a weird wordle-like where you guess what prompt an image generator used by PC Gamer
Play a weird wordle-like where you guess what prompt an image generator used
DALLE-dle wants you to search deep within the mechanical soul of some neural net’s doodles.

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT
How to create a summary transcript of a YouTube video, automatically with ChatGPT - How smart Technology changing lives
There is so much material on YouTube that, if an adequate search and selection of the information available there is carried out, it can be used as a

Other Resources
- Glasp - What’s New:
What’s New?
September 12, 2022 - YouTube Highlight You can highlight YouTube videos! Also, you can copy-n-paste all the highlights & transcripts into your note-taking apps in one-click 🥰 Let’s capture what you resonate with while watching videos with Glasp ❤️ 💡This feature is available on Chrome Extension w…