What's New?

7/22/2024 - Added GPT-4o mini option

  • Added the GPT-4o mini option to AI models.

6/22/2024 - Image highlights, Gemini and Custom GPTs option to AI models, and 'Find Summary Article' feature in YouTube Summary

We added three new features.

  • Image highlights: When you mouse over an image, right-click it. On the options menu, you can see Highlight Image. Visit this tutorial to see how it works.
  • Gemini and Custom GPTs option to AI models: When you summarize a YouTube video or an article, you can select Gemini and Custom GPTs as the default AI model to summarize it.
  • "Find Summary Article" function on YouTube Summary: When you click the Find Summary Article button on the sidebar on YouTube, you can see a summary article about the video and read the details.

6/14/2024 - Import highlights from Readwise

We added a new feature to import highlights from Readwise to Glasp. With this feature, you can see all the highlights you stored in Readwise on Glasp and organize them anytime. It's easy to set up the import, so follow this tutorial and start organizing your knowledge more flexibly! Visit this tutorial to see how it works 👀

How to Import Highlights from Readwise
We added a new feature to import highlights from Readwise to Glasp. With this feature, you can see all the highlights you stored in Readwise on Glasp and organize them anytime. It’s easy to set up the import, so follow this tutorial and start organizing your knowledge more flexibly! If

6/5/2024 - Hatch ideas

We added a new feature called Hatch. It generates new ideas by connecting the dots; your highlights. By selecting manually or randomly, Glasp finds common things, makes sense, and creates new ideas 🐣
Please watch this tutorial or the video below to see how it works 👀

May 21, 2024 - Importing Medium highlights

We have introduced a feature to import highlights from Medium into Glasp. You can sync Medium highlights and make them searchable and organizable on your Glasp profile page 📚 Please check this tutorial to see how it works.

May 15, 2024 - Importing Highlights from Instapaper

We added a new feature to import highlights from Instapaper. If you make highlights (note on Instapaper), you can import them into Glasp. Please check this tutorial to see how it works.

May 2, 2024 - Bookmark Feature

We added the bookmarking feature to Glasp. You can save a URL to read it later. Please check how to bookmark here 👀

Kazuki's post on X

April 26, 2024 - Finding like-minded people

We updated like-minded people's graphs recently! You can check who are the nearest neighbors with the same interests. Please check here to see how to see your like-minds 🤝

April 17, 2024 - Notion Integration with Glasp

We added a new feature to export Glasp highlights into Notion with Notion API. Please visit the YouTube below or this article for the detailed tutorial.

April 2, 2024 - Mistral AI for YouTube Summary

We added Mistral AI to the list of AI models you can use for the YouTube summary feature. You can send the transcript of the YouTube video to Mistral AI and get the summary of it.

Please watch the video below to see how to use it.

March 27, 2024 - Popular Videos on Glasp

We added a web page to show popular YouTube videos on Glasp. The popularity is based on the number of summarizations made for each video by week because Glasp offers a YouTube summary feature.

Here's the weekly top of March 18, 2024.

the weekly top of March 18, 2024.

March 20, 2024 - Private Highlights

We have introduced a private version for highlights. Now, all highlights are visible to everyone, including non-Glasp users. However, with private highlights, your highlights will not be visible to either other users or non-Glasp users.

To make your highlights private, visit the My Highlights page. You can see the Public icon at the top, so please click it. On the popup, you can see the Private icon, so click it to update the setting. If you see a modal that asks you to subscribe, please do so to start using private highlight.

February 1, 2024 - Summaries of YouTube Videos

We added articles of summaries of the YouTube videos.

  • You can read the content of the YouTube video in text.
  • You can get transcripts of the YouTube video.

Please visit this page to see the summaries of the videos!

January 17, 2024 - Recommended by Great Minds 📚

We added a feature to curate and collect books recommended by great minds!

You can find great books by great minds! The great minds include Naval Ravikant, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Karlie Kloss, and more!

Please visit this page to explore what they're recommending 👀

October 19, 2023 - Updated YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude

We updated the YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude:

  • Custom follow-up prompts
  • Multiple lines in the custom prompt
  • PDF Summary

Please check out the video below to see how it works.

October 11, 2023 - AI Personality Test with Books You Read

We launched a world-first AI-powered personality test that analyzes your Kindle reading history to reveal personality traits. Simply import your Kindle books to discover insights.

Please check out this page to start taking the personality test.

September 22, 2023 - Daily Review of Kindle highlights

We added a new feature to import Kindle highlights and send the review of highlights daily via email. Glasp can accept importing Kindle highlights from more than 12+ languages.

Please check out this page to start importing Kindle highlights.

September 22, 2023 - Mobile Apps released on App Store and Play Store

We finally released the iOS and Android app on the App Store and Play Store! This is our initial launch, so it'd have some bugs. Please bear with us and report a bug through here.

Please install the app from the link below.

👉 Install the Glasp iOS app

👉 Install the Glasp Android app

September 14, 2023 - Weekly Stats are visible on your Glasp profile

You can see your weekly stats and contributions on your Glasp profile page. The stats are based on the weekly stats that we've been sending every weekend via email.

To access the Weekly Stats, please go to your My Highlights page. Click Weekly Stats on the left.

September 12, 2023 - See Top Highlights of Kindle Books and Other Readers

We launched a new feature to see top highlights of the Kindle books and other readers. You can find top 5 highlights in the book and access the page through Explore page.

Glasp on Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future / Glasp
Explore ideas from the best writers and thinkers on the internet and save them to your Glasp library.

September 8, 2023 - Import Highlights from Weava

We launched a new feature to import highlights from Weava into Glasp. Please check the tutorial below to see how it works.

How to import highlights from Weava into Glasp
We have been receiving a lot of requests about importing highlights and notes from Weava into Glasp. This tutorial introduces how to import your highlights and notes on Weava into Glasp with a visual guide. If you haven’t signed up for Glasp or installed the Glasp browser extension, please do

September 7, 2023 - Import Highlights from Hypothesis

We launched a new feature to import highlights from Hypothesis into Glasp. Please check the tutorial below to see how it works.

How to import highlights from Hypothesis into Glasp
We have been receiving a lot of requests about importing highlights and notes from Hypothesis into Glasp. This tutorial introduces how to import your highlights and notes on Hypothesis into Glasp with a visual guide. If you haven’t signed up for Glasp or installed the Glasp browser extension, pleas…

August 2, 2023 - iOS Mobile & Tablet App on TestFlight

We launched an iOS mobile & tablet app on TestFlight. You can test it through here.

August 1, 2023 - YouTube Summary with Claude

Our YouTube Summary has a new option to choose Claude by Anthropic to summarize YouTube video. With this update, you can:

  • Summarize much longer videos without truncation (> 2 hr videos)
  • You can also summarize web articles (~100K token = 75,000 words)

And it still remains free to use!

July 19, 2023 - Find Relevant Ideas

You can find relevant ideas based on highlights and notes on your Glasp profile page. Please visit My Highlights page and click Relevant Ideas to see them.

Kazuki't Tweet

June 28, 2023 - Highlight Sentences with a Keyboard Shortcut

We added a keyboard shortcut to highlight web content. To use the feature, you need to enable it first. You can update the setting through the sidebar extension. Open any article and the sidebar.

How to highlight sentences with a keyboard shortcut?

June 24, 2023 - Quote Shot on the Explore Page

We updated the Explore page to have quote shots of highlights. You can see highlights in beautiful images, download and share them.

5-Hour Rule: If you’re not spending 5 hours per week learning, you’re being irresponsible

June 18, 2023 - Learning Insights

We updated and added Learning Insights on Glasp. You can see all the history and contribution to human society since you joined Glasp.

June 15, 2023 - For You on the Home feed

We updated the Home feed on Glasp and added a new tab For You. It shows articles that your followings read but you haven't read yet. With this update, you can find interesting and insightful articles from like-minded people.

June 10, 2023 - Show Users' Top Domain

We updated and showed users' top domains on My Highlights. You can see your most-reading articles' domains.

May 20, 2023 - Hatch Launched

Introducing Hatching Ideas with Glasp AI

  • Free idea generation
  • Auto-hatch as you curate (LLMs take care of creation)
  • Model: GPT-3.5, GPT-4, PaLM, etc

Empowering 300M+ curators to become new creators!

May 3, 2023 - Article Summary Launched

Introducing Article Summary powered by ChatGPT:

  • 1-click to summarize web articles
  • Keyboard shortcut to summarize
  • Select ChatGPT models (GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Plugins or Browsing)
  • Strategies for longer content

April 28, 2023 - Start Sending a Newsletter through Substack

We're switching an email sender to Substack. Please subscribe to our Substack newsletter to keep learning!

Glasp | Substack
We carefully curate informative articles and deliver them to you on a weekly basis. Let’s learn in public together! Click to read Glasp, a Substack publication with thousands of subscribers.

April 24, 2023 - Updates on the Home feed

We have updated the Topic and Popular on the Home feed.
You can discover interesting article and insights more clearly.

April 12, 2023 - Updates on YouTube Summary

  • Select ChatGPT models
  • Strategies for longer videos
  • Bug fix on auto-summarization

ChatGPT changed the system and some users are having issues with not auto-start summarizing. We fixed the bug. Hope this helps your learning process!

February 11, 2023 - YouTube Summary with ChatGPT Update

With v1.0.8 and above, you can now

  • Access the video summary from YouTube *iframes*
  • Change theme (dark/light)
  • Customize prompt for a summary!

To access the video summary from iframes, please hover an iframe on any websites and click a summary icon. That's it!

February 2, 2023 - "Ask Digital Me" Update

We released the "Ask Digital Me" feature to the public! You can ask any questions to your digital you or others' digital twins. With your highlights, Glasp creates your digital twin, and you can ask any questions. If the AI doesn't have answers, it shows Kazuki's or Kei's digital twins. The more you make highlights, the smarter your digital twin becomes. To use the feature, please click "Ask" button on your or others' profile page.

January 19, 2023 - YouTube Summary Update

With v1.0.6 and above, you can now easily access the summary of videos with just one click :)

1. Hover thumbnails
2. Click a summary icon
3. Voila!

December 31, 2022 - Digital Clone Model with Glasp

Introducing Building Your Digital Clone Model with Glasp.

✅ Free (private beta; waitlisted)
✅ Grow your model as you learn
✅ AI-powered generative search engine of "you"

How it works:
• Build your knowledge base with Glasp.
• Ask your model anything.
• The model answers with a list of articles/videos/pdfs with highlights & notes + comments.

It's like a generative search engine that reflects who you are and what you care about!

December 20, 2022 - Updated the Chrome & Safari Extension from manifest v2 to v3
And added YouTube Summary with ChatGPT

It's a major update on both platforms and for better security for users.
We updated Chrome & Safari extension to v3 🙌 (You won't see any changes in front though)
We are so sorry if you come across any bugs or inconvenience due to the update in advance 🙇‍♂️
If so, please try uninstall/install the extension on Chrome or Safari. Also, we recently added YouTube Summary with ChatGPT (OpenAI) so hope it helps your learning process!
Please let us know if you find any bugs or unknowns while using the extension!
Watch this video for further instructions.

November 26, 2022 - AI Summary with AI through Glasp Chrome Extension

After v0.1.104, you can use an AI-powered summary function through Glasp Chrome Extension! Highlight, Leave Notes, and Get Your Personalized Summary with Glasp 🌱

Learn more here: https://glasp.co/ai-summary

November 24, 2022 - Article Summary with AI

You can see an AI-powered summary based on your highlights & notes! (personalized summary) Since everyone has unique highlights & notes, you'll see different summaries from other people 😍

Let's Glasp it ❤️ (Check out the tweet)

September 12, 2022 - YouTube Highlight

You can highlight YouTube videos! Also, you can copy-n-paste all the highlights & transcripts into your note-taking apps in one-click 🥰 Let's capture what you resonate with while watching videos with Glasp ❤️

This feature is available on Chrome Extension with v0.1.98 or later. To update your current Chrome Extension, the fastest way would be uninstall/re-install :)

September 6, 2022 - PDF Highlight

You can highlight and leave notes on PDF files 🥰

Let’s share more about what you’re reading and learning with Glasp ❤️

Please find more details from here:


August 28, 2022 - Kindle Integration

You can sync all your highlights and notes from Kindle and see them in your Glasp profile 📚 You can also find what your friends or colleagues are reading these days 🥰

Let’s share more about what you’re reading and learning with Glasp ❤️

Please find more details from here:

Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. It’s the all-in-one workspace for you and your team

July 29, 2022 - Updated Atomic Graph

You can see how your interests are connected visually with the newly updated Atomic Graph. Also, you can search topics from the search bar 🔍

It's fun and really inspiring to see other people's graphs ❤️ (check out the tweet)

July 9, 2022 - Weekly Recap Email

We started sending weekly recaps with weekly stats 📊

If you highlight some articles, those will come back to you with notes and links over the weekend ❤️ ( 👉 Link to Tweet )

July 8, 2022 - Color Label Setting

Now, you can set color labels and show the definition of your color choice! Everyone has their unique definition for each color, and knowing it must be fun 🥰

Hope it helps your online reading and learning ❤️ ( 👉 Link to Tweet )

Please visit the tutorial below to see how it works.

What Does Each Highlighting Color Mean?
You can give any meaning to each highlighting color. Glasp offers four colors, red, blue, yellow, and green. We’d give more customizability for choosing colors in the future, but we limit it to four colors now. You can add color labels on your profile page if you’d like to show

Jun 29, 2022 - Atomic Notes in Sidebar

Want to connect the dots? You can write and connect what you read and learned with Glasp's Atomic Notes ✍️ Easy copy-n-paste into Substack, Medium, Notion, Obsidian, and any note-taking apps 🥰 Hope it helps your online reading and learning ❤️ ( 👉 Link to Tweet )

Jun 22, 2022 - Embed Your Glasp in Your Blog

You can share what you’re reading and learning these days with Glasp Embed Link 🥰 Hope it helps you organize and share your online reading in a fun and meaningful way ❤️ ( 👉 Link to Tweet )

Jun 18, 2022 - Friends Invite via Invite Code

Love Glasp? If so, let's invite your friends via unique invitation code 🥰 You can paste it on your blog, newsletter, and anywhere! Hope it makes your online reading more fun and meaningful ❤️ ( 👉 Link to Tweet )

How to see the number of people you invited to Glasp?
Glasp provides a way of inviting non-Glasp users to Glasp and of recognizing if a new user signed up through you. This helps you see how many people have been inspired by you. How to see the number of people signed up through you You can see the number of

Jun 8, 2022 - Find Content through Topic / Tag

You can search for content through “Topic (Tag)” at explore page (if you’re logged in) or at our landing page http://glasp.co 😉

Hope it helps you find interesting content from Glasp community 🥰 (👉 Link to Tweet )

Jun 4, 2022 - More Social Profile Options

Now, you can set your location, own website, and "buy me a coffee" link in your profile 😉

Let's learn and leave more together 🚀 (👉 Link to Tweet )

Jun 1, 2022 - Glasp Profile on Twitter Profile

Now, you can now see Glasp user's profile on Twitter profile page with our browser extension 🚀 It's a great way to know if the user has a Glasp page or not 🥰 (👉 Link to Tweet )

May 16, 2022 - Twitter Integration (Share Tweet)

Now, you can tweet quotes with a beautiful quote image through Twitter Integration 🎉

Let's learn and share 😉

May 7, 2022 - Atomic Interest Graph

Now, you can see you and other people's "Atomic Interest Graph" 📚✨

It's fun and really inspiring to see other people's graphs!

Atomic Interest Graph
If you haven’t signed up for Glasp or installed the Glasp browser extension, please do so. You can refer to this tutorial. To show the Atomic Interest Graph, you need to add multiple category tags to multiple articles. Step 1: Add Tags As you’re reading and highlighting articles, this

April 30, 2022 - Export to Readwise

Now, you can "export" your highlights and notes to Readwise!

How to Export Web Highlights into Readwise
Things Needed * Readwise * Glasp * Desktop and browser (Chrome, Brave, Edge, or Safari) If you haven’t signed up for Glasp or installed the Glasp browser extension, please do so. You can refer to this tutorial. Also, if you want to import Readwise highlights into Glasp, please refer to this tutorial. Step

April 28, 2022 - Export markdown files to Obsidian

You can download highlights and notes in MD file format. So, if you are an Obsidian user, you can just download article’s highlights and notes directly from Glasp to Obsidian.

How to Export Web Article’s Highlighted Sentences into Obsidian
Things Needed * Glasp * Obsidian * Desktop & browser (Chrome, Brave, Edge, or Safari) If you haven’t signed up for Glasp or installed the Glasp browser extension, please do so. You can refer to this tutorial. There are two ways to export Glasp’s highlights & notes into Obsidian. The first one is through copy-n-paste.

Glasp Extensions - Download

Chrome Extension

Glasp: Social Web Highlighter & Note-taking
Take notes and add highlights on web pages. Discover and save articles from friends. A tool for writers, avid readers, and thinkers.

Safari Extension

‎Glasp - Social Web Highlighter
‎Glasp beautifully organizes your collection of highlights, so that you can easily come back to what truly matters to you anytime. By following like-minded people, you will discover useful content that expands your knowledge and thoughts. Collective learning is how humans got smarter across generati…

Other Resources

Further Tutorials:

  • Export Your Highlights into Notion
How to Export Web Article’s Sentences into Notion
People Who Would Benefit * Want to export selected sentences from web articles into Notion to take note. * Use Notion and want to cite sentences from web articles. Why Glasp? 1. We don’t disturb your reading experience 💡 * What you need is just highlighting sentences you like, which end wi…
How to Export Web Article’s Highlighted Sentences into Obsidian
People Who Would Benefit * Want to export selected sentences from web articles into Obsidian at once. * Use Obsidian and want to cite sentences from web articles. Why Glasp? 1. We don’t disturb your reading experience 💡 * What you need is just highlighting sentences you like, which end wit…
How to Export Web Highlights into Readwise
People Who Would Benefit * Want to export selected sentences on the web articles into Readwise at once. * Use Readwise and want to cite sentences from web articles. Why Glasp? 1. We don’t disturb your reading experience 💡 * What you need is just highlighting sentences you like, which end w…

Articles about Glasp written by Glasp users:

Creations by Glaspers
We collect articles and designs by Glaspers so that other Glaspers can see how they use, how they feel, and what they like about!

Share Your Excitement

Ready to highlight and find good content?

Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.

Start Highlighting