December 24, 2024: 8 Lessons on Lifelong Learning from an Astrophysicist

“All discarded lovers should be given a second chance, but with somebody else.”

― Mae West

Hi friends,

How's everything going?
This is Kei and Kazuki, founders of Glasp 👋

We hand-picked 3 good pieces of content for you to highlight this week. We hope they'll help you get new ideas and perspectives.

📚 3 Good Recommendations

8 lessons on lifelong learning from an astrophysicist

8 lessons on lifelong learning from an astrophysicist
by Ethan Siegel (15 mins)

  • Get your setup right. Begin by clarifying what you know and need, and the relationships among those pieces. Don’t obsess over perfect calculations—approximations often suffice—but always ensure you’re solving the correct problem.
  • Stay humble and resourceful. Recognize your expertise has limits. Know where to look for information rather than memorizing everything, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need specialized knowledge you don’t have.
  • Keep questioning. Look for hidden connections and discard irrelevant details that don’t affect your outcome. If results clash with your expectations, re-examine your assumptions—lifelong learning requires flexibility and a willingness to update your understanding.

Chesterton’s Fence: A Lesson in Thinking

Chesterton’s Fence: A Lesson in Thinking
by FS (5 mins)

  • Principle of Understanding Before Change: Chesterton’s Fence emphasizes understanding the reasons behind existing structures, norms, or rules before altering or removing them, and jumping to reform without comprehension risks unintended and potentially harmful consequences.
  • Not All Traditions Are Obsolete: While not everything from the past is perfect, established practices often serve purposes that aren’t immediately obvious. Dismissing them as irrelevant can lead to losing valuable benefits or creating worse problems.
  • Thoughtful Reform Over Impulsive Action: Whether in organizations (like hierarchy-free companies) or personal habits, it’s crucial to identify the underlying function of a system before trying to fix it. True improvement respects the past’s lessons while adapting carefully for the future.

How To Become More Intelligent Than 99% Of People

How To Become More Intelligent Than 99% Of People
by DAN KOE (48 mins)

  • True Intelligence Is Goal-Oriented
    Intelligence is measured by how effectively you set and achieve goals. Cybernetics (act → sense → compare → adjust) offers a framework for iterating toward what you want.
  • Identity & Goals Shape Perception
    Your goals and self-image program your mind to either notice or dismiss new information. By consciously choosing goals (instead of following society’s defaults), you expand your mental “operating system” and unlock greater potential.
  • Ego Development Unlocks Higher Thinking
    Moving through nine stages of ego—from basic conformity to an all-inclusive “unitive” view—broadens your perspectives. Each stage adds depth and nuance, enabling you to see reality holistically and act with greater wisdom.

📣 Community

  • 🟥 Glasp Talk with Elaine Pofeldt:
    Glasp Talk features intimate interviews with luminaries, revealing their emotions, experiences, and stories. The guest is, Elaine Pofeldt, an accomplished journalist, content strategist, and author renowned for her entrepreneurship and small business expertise.

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He learns startups, product management, and more! Let’s follow him and learn together 🤝

matt klee

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Hope you enjoyed reading this newsletter!
See you next week ;)

Kei and Kazuki


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