June 5, 2023: Creating a Culture of Listening

Hi friends,

How's everything going?
This is Kei and Kazuki, founders of Glasp πŸ‘‹

We hand-picked 3 good articles for you to highlight this week. Hope they'll help you get new ideas and perspectives. (You can read this online!)

πŸ“š 3 Good Articles for You

Creating a Culture of Listening
by Kim Scott (15 mins)
Creating a culture of listening is essential for effective collaboration and achieving collective success. The process involves listening to ideas, debating and testing them, and making quick decisions. Managers should find a listening style that fits their personal style and create a culture in which everyone listens to each other. This can involve quiet listening or loud listening, but it's important to stick to the style that feels most natural and work on improving the dynamic with colleagues. Simple systems for generating ideas and addressing complaints can also help foster a culture of listening.
πŸ”— Glasp Community Highlights

The Future of Learning
by Niklas GΓΆke (10 mins)
The future of learning is about adaptability, idea synthesis, and rapid learning. Knowledge is cumulative, but intelligence is selective, and the ability to make sense of information and combine many bits of information into a broad picture of the world is crucial. Multipotentialites, or people with diverse interests and skills, are adept at learning and adapting, and society should encourage them to be themselves. True intelligence involves integrative complexity, the willingness to accept multiple perspectives and integrate them into a bigger, more coherent picture. Learning is not just about doing, but about being open to changing perspectives.
πŸ”— Glasp Community Highlights

Parkinson's Law, How to Read, & More
by Sahil Bloom (3 mins)
The author discusses the concept of Parkinson's Law, which states that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion. To be more efficient, it is suggested to condense low-value tasks into short windows and work on big projects in 60-120 minute focus blocks. The article also encourages readers to focus on important tasks that provide sufficient reward for their energy, rather than wasting time on small, insignificant tasks.
πŸ”— Glasp Community Highlights

πŸ“£ Community

  • πŸŸ₯ Community Meetup:
    We'll have a monthly community meetup at 10 am on June 16th (PDT). We're looking forward to seeing you all! Please feel free to jump in and out. You can register for the event from here 🀝
  • 🟦 Export Highlights and Notes into Notion and Obsidian:
    Have you noticed that you can export highlights & notes from Glasp into Notion and Obsidian? It helps you increase productivity a lot! Please visit the video below or this tutorial πŸ‘€

❀️ Gratitude

We found some people who mentioned Glasp in their articles and blogs, and we appreciate all the kindness!

We found that Glasp was featured in those articles below. Thank you for writing about Glasp!

JoΓ£o Raposo
JoΓ£o is a product manager from Portugal. He constantly reads and highlights a lot of articles about product management, so if you want to learn it, he is the person to follow!

JoΓ£o Raposo

Please mention @Glasp and share your profile page on Twitter if you’d like to get featured!

Thank you all for sharing and mentioning us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and/or in your blogs πŸ™‚ We appreciate all of your support! Please feel free to ask us anything at any time! Also, feel free to join our Slack community ;)

Hope you enjoyed reading this newsletter!
See you next week ;)

Kei and Kazuki

Quote of The Day: β€œIf you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. As of this second, quit doing less-than-excellent work.” β€” Thomas J. Watson

P.S. we are thinking about accepting newsletter sponsorship. If you are interested, please apply here.

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