March 03, 2022
This is Kei and Kazuki, founders of Glasp 👋
We pick up 3 good articles that we found this week. Hopefully, it will bring new perspectives and help you develop your career and learning journey.
This Week's Reading List 📚
Notes apps are where ideas go to die. And that’s good. by Matthew Guay (5mins)
We save notes, links, ideas, thoughts, etc as insurance for the future. After we save, we feel safe even though we don't look back at all the notes later. We will keep seeking the new better thing until we’re back to safely forgetting things. Trying to find value and meaning in the time we spent, our thoughts, and our findings is a natural behavior to justify loss aversion.
See: Glasp Community Highlights
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest by Thomas Waschenfelder (4mins)
The secret to success is consistency, not intensity. The small things that you do consistently matter more than the large things you do sporadically. Consistency allows you to capture the awesome power of compounding - where small gains compound on each other to create massive change over time. Every interaction you have with another human being is merely mirrored reciprocation. Put out what it is you want to get back from the world. Over the long term, you’ll get what you deserve.
See: Glasp Community Highlights
What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games | Psyche Ideas by Kim Beil & Ryan Tacata (7mins)
Play is a magic circle that creates social ties, the formation of social groupings that last long after the end of the game. We transmit culture through play (simple fun and games). At the same time, with the current technology, it's easier to transform the most familiar circumstances into fantasies, play. As people tend to imitate what others do, bad behaviors can prevail. The ultimate challenge in the management of social media is to maximize its benefits and minimize its risks, and in learning where to draw the magic circle.
See you next week ;)
Kei and Kazuki
Today's Quote: "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford
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