March 31, 2022

This is Kei and Kazuki, founders of Glasp 👋

We send you 3 good articles to highlight this week. Hopefully, it will bring new perspectives and help you develop your career and learning journey.

📚 This Week's Reading List

Thinking in maps: from the Lascaux caves to knowledge graphs by Anne-Laure Le Cunff (18min)
“Thinking in maps is substantively different from thinking in sentences.” When thinking in maps, word maps are often amalgamated with world maps to create visual representations of our knowledge, beliefs, or questions.
See: Glasp Community Highlights

Slow-Reading is The New Deep Learning by David Handel, MD (15min)
Speed-reading is for skimmers. Slow-reading is for scholars. Research paper after research paper has concluded that as reading speed goes up as a result of effortful speed-reading, comprehension goes down. If you’re reading to learn, you need to engage with the content and associate the new concepts with your existing knowledge.
See: Glasp Community Highlights

The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps by Tiago Forte (14min)
Read It Later apps help with (1) increasing consumption of long-form content and (2) better filtering by procrastination. "I’m creating a pool of options drawn from a longer time period, which allows me to make decisions from a higher perspective, where those decisions are much better aligned with what truly matters to me."
See: Glasp Community Highlights

1️⃣  Michael Simmons
Michael teaches people to learn HOW to learn. He's a serial entrepreneur, bestselling author, and contributor: Time, Fortune, and Harvard Business Review.

2️⃣  Ev Chapman
Ev teaches creators how to leverage the notes they take every day to create effortless, endless ideas for content.

3️⃣  Anders Sporring
Anders is a digital writer, creator, and atomicaster. He's an editor of In My Own Words & Opinions And Discussions and Taking Notes.

See you next week ;)

Kei and Kazuki

Today's Quote: "I didn't fail the test. I just found 100 ways to do it wrong." - Benjamin Franklin


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