How to Set Default Highlight Color

On Glasp, you can set the default color for highlights. This setting is used when you import highlights from other note-taking apps such as Medium, Readwise, etc.

How to Import Highlights from Readwise
We added a new feature to import highlights from Readwise to Glasp. With this feature, you can see all the highlights you stored in Readwise on Glasp and organize them anytime. It’s easy to set up the import, so follow this tutorial and start organizing your knowledge more flexibly! If

How to Import Highlights from Readwise

How to Import Highlights from Medium into Glasp
We added a new feature to import Medium highlights into Glasp. You can sync all the highlights on Medium with Glasp, organize them, and share them with others easily. If you haven’t signed up for Glasp or installed the Glasp browser extension, please do so. You can refer to this

How to Import Highlights from Medium into Glasp

In this tutorial, we introduce you to how to set the default highlight color.

Step 1: Go to the Settings Page on Glasp

Click your profile icon at the top right on the Home or My Highlights page, then go to the Settings page by clicking Settings.

Click Highlight on the left.

Step 2: Update the Default Highlight Color

In the Highlight section, you can see "Highlight Preference." Choose any color you want to make it the default color. If you select any color, it's automatically saved and set as the default highlighting color.

You can see Default Visibility in the section below. The default visibility is public, meaning your highlights are open to the public and any Glasp users can see your highlights. If you'd like to update the setting, please see this tutorial.

How to Highlight Privately on Glasp
Since its inception, public highlights have been in Glasp’s DNA. In pursuit of our mission to democratize access to the learning and experiences that people have accumulated throughout their lives, serving as a utilitarian legacy, we have made these insights visible to everyone. However, we understand the importance of highlighting

How to Highlight Privately on Glasp

If you'd like to set the color label for each color, please see the tutorial below.

What does each highlighting color mean?
You can give any meaning to each highlighting color. Glasp offers four colors, red, blue, yellow, and green. We’d give more customizability for choosing colors in the future, but we limit it to four colors now. You can add color labels on your profile page if you’d like to show

What does each highlighting color mean?

Before you leave

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See you next time,

Glasp team


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Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.

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