How to Show Your Reading List on Notion, Obsidian, and Websites with Glasp

How to Show Your Reading List on Notion, Obsidian, and Websites with Glasp

Displaying Your Reading List

Glasp released a new feature to show your reading list on Notion, Obsidian, and your website. Here’s how it looks like.

Reading list on Obsidian

You can see the six recent articles I read above. The number of articles to display is customizable. Let me explain how to display it.

If you haven't signed up for Glasp or installed the Glasp browser extension, please do so. You can refer to this tutorial.

Step 1: Go to the Home page or “My Highlights” on Glasp

On the Home page or “My Highlights” on the Glasp website, you can see an email icon at the top right. So, please click it.

Step 2: Click “Create Embed Link”

When you click the email icon, you see a popup showing up. On the popup, you can see Create Embed Link, so please click it.

You can see an overlayed screen shows up. On the right side, you see the number of articles to show. So, choose how many articles you want to show on Notion, Obsidian, or your website.

After you choose the number, please click Copy Link. Once you copied the link, you are ready to show it, so please open the place where you want to paste it.

Display on Notion

On the Notion page, please search for an Embedoption.

Then, you can just paste the link directly into the space. When you click the Embed Link button, that’s all. You can display your reading list.

Display on Obsidian

Once you copied the link, you can just paste it on the Obsidian note. When you change the view, it shows the reading list.

Advanced Setting

If you want to change the size of the reading list, you can change it in the iframe code.

In iframe, you can see iframe width="900" height="560", so if you update the number, the size of the reading changes. Please try to adjust as you want.

Display on other websites

If you’re managing your website, you can display your reading list by simply putting the iframe link on the page.

Medium and Substack are currently unavailable to display the reading list. And we’re checking and working on WordPress now. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Glaspers who show their reading list

Below are the learners on Glasp who show their reading list on their website.

👉 Ev Chapman by Ev Chapman

Ev Chapman

👉 It’s Technical. by Carlos Franco

SELECTED WORKS on It’s Technical

👉 Melvin Raj by Melvin Raj

Welcome To My Online Space.

👉 Nicola Fisher by Nicola Fisher

Now — Nicola Fisher | Writer

Thank you everyone for showing your reading list 🤝

Before you leave

If you have any questions, please look at FAQ or message us.

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Looking forward to learning with you :)

See you next time,

Glasp team


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