July 31, 2023: The Three Buckets of Knowledge

Hi friends,

How's everything going?
This is Kei and Kazuki, founders of Glasp πŸ‘‹

We hand-picked 3 good articles for you to highlight this week. Hope they'll help you get new ideas and perspectives. (You can read this online!)

πŸ“š 3 Good Articles for You

Everything Is Cyclical
by Morgan Housel (5 mins)

  • The blog discusses the concept of "cyclicality" in various aspects of life, using examples from geology, history, and business.
  • It explains how growth or success can inadvertently create conditions for decline or failure due to factors like entitlement, competition, and bureaucracy.
  • It suggests that active management and constant intervention can help mitigate some effects of these inevitable cycles, both at an individual and organizational level.

πŸ”— Glasp Community Highlights

The Three Buckets of Knowledge
by FS Blog (8 mins)

  • Peter Kaufman outlines three sources of knowledge: physics and math, biology, and human history, stating they offer vast, relevant insights to understand the world.
  • These "buckets" of knowledge are seen as the largest sample sizes for identifying universal principles, and they interconnect in various ways.
  • Kaufman also emphasizes that ideas undergo a form of natural selection, and knowledge, like interest, can compound across generations.

πŸ”— Glasp Community Highlights

Staying Scrappy
by Deb Liu (6 mins)

  • The speaker discussed the concept of "scrappiness" at Stanford University's Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders series, which is about being resourceful and determined, facing challenges, and adapting to achieve goals.
  • Four main obstacles to scrappiness were identified: excessive procedures, unclear decision-making authority, fear of risk-taking due to past failures, and aversion to failure.
  • Scrappiness is a mindset that can be cultivated in teams and organizations, promoting experimentation, learning from failures, and continuous adaptation to encourage risk-taking and success.

πŸ”— Glasp Community Highlights

πŸ“£ Community

  • 🟩 Test Glasp mobile app:
    We released the Glasp iOS mobile app (test version). You can test it through TestFlight. Click this link to try it out! If you're not familiar with TestFlight, please read this tutorial.

kanakaselvan learns reading, learning, self-improvements, and more! Let’s follow him and learn together!


Please mention @Glasp and share your profile page on Twitter if you’d like to get featured!

🐣 User’s Hatch

Here’s an insightful hatch by Tara B

The Power of Admitting You're Wrong and Talking to Strangers

Hatch is a new feature that generates new ideas/articles by finding common points in two articles. Please check here to see how to use it.

❀️ Gratitude

We found some people who mentioned Glasp in their articles and blogs, and we appreciate all the kindness!

  • Thank you for taking the time to talk to us! Your feedback is insightful and helps us improve the product!

Thank you all for sharing and mentioning us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and/or in your blogs πŸ™‚ We appreciate all of your support! Please feel free to ask us anything at any time! Also, feel free to join our Slack community ;)

Hope you enjoyed reading this newsletter!
See you next week ;)

Kei and Kazuki

Quote of The Day: β€œUnless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” β€” Ralph Waldo Emerson

P.S. We are thinking about accepting newsletter sponsorship. If you are interested, please apply here.

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