Press Release on 09/27/2023


Glasp Inc.

Glasp Releases iOS Web Highlighter That Lets You Mark Content Directly on iPhone’s Browser Without Opening the App

Glasp’s mobile app also makes it easier for users to post their reading notes to share knowledge.


SAN FRANCISCO (Sept. 27, 2023) ― Glasp, the San Francisco-based developer of the web highlighter that lets you easily mark digital content, compile reading notes and share them with the world, has released Glasp’s mobile apps for iOS and Android users. The iOS version includes a feature that enables users to highlight text directly on their iPhone/iPad’s native browser, Safari, without opening the app — a world first for mobile web highlighters that conventionally require web pages to be opened inside dedicated apps.

Glasp created the mobile apps in response to mounting requests from its ever-expanding 200,000+ user community. First launched in December 2022 in the form of a Chrome extension (beta) for desktop users, Glasp’s web highlighter quickly gained traction among all types of learners, including many researchers. students and writers.

“We consume so much digital content every day only to quickly forget what we’ve learned from it. Our new iOS extension enables people to compile their insights with just one tap on their smartphones,” Glasp Co-Founder Kei Watanabe said. “The mobile versions are also designed to further advance Glasp’s function as a social platform by making it extra-easier for people to compile and post their notes to share their thoughts with the rest of the world, thereby expanding human knowledge cumulatively.”

The company is currently working to add the following features to the mobile apps:

  • YouTube Summary with ChatGPT on mobile apps.
  • Social feed that recommends insightful content based on the community.

About Glasp (Web Highlighter)

Glasp is the brainchild of the company’s co-founder and CEO Kazuki Nakayashiki who suffered a stroke and became paralyzed in one side of his body at age of 20. Fearful that all his life’s learning would instantly vanish should he die, the University of Tokyo-educated chemical engineer joined forces with his best friend, Kei Watanabe, to develop a “social learning log” system that enables him and everyone else to share their thoughts and insights. Glasp is designed to democratize access to learning by bringing together people of all backgrounds.




Chrome (desktop)

Web text highlighting

On Safari (Extension) or via the App

Via the App Only

On Chrome (Extension)

Reading notes

Via the App

Via the App

Via Chrome Extension

Sharing of highlights and notes

Via the App

Via the App

Via Chrome Extension

*Downloading of highlights and notes

Via Chrome Extension (desktop)

Via Chrome Extension (desktop)

Via Chrome Extension (desktop)

* Highlights are posted on individual users’ pages automatically, enabling their followers to see the highlights and attached notes.

About Glasp Inc.

Glasp is a San Francisco-based developer of web applications that make digital learning and information gathering easier. The company’s flagship application, Glasp, has acquired more than 200,000 users worldwide since the Chrome extension launched in December 2022. Glasp also develops a Chrome extension that uses ChatGPT to summarize YouTube video contents, which has been installed 1 million times in the past 8 months.



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Ready to highlight and find good content?

Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.

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