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“There are 30,000 days in your life” Drew Houston’s Commencement Speech for MIT 2013

*This article was originally published on Medium. This is a

“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” — Stanford Commencement Speech by Steve Jobs 2005

*This article was originally published on Medium. This is a

How I Increased My Productivity in Writing Articles?

*This article was originally posted on Medium. There are many

Why We Should Learn in Public

*This post was originally posted on Medium. Introduction Recently, I

How to Save a Web Page with Highlights in a PDF File

The thumbnail image was generated by DALL·E Have you

PDF Annotator: How to annotate and write on a PDF file

In our digital era, the Portable Document Format (PDF) reigns

How to copy and paste Kindle highlights beyond the export limits

If you're using a Kindle device or app,

How to use Readwise's features for free?

Readwise is a great product. It offers features to import

Glasp vs Readwise: Which Is the Best Knowledge Management Tool?

*This article was originally posted on Hongkiat. A knowledge management

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