June 26, 2023: How to choose the right note-taking app

Hi friends,

How's everything going?
This is Kei and Kazuki, founders of Glasp πŸ‘‹

We hand-picked 3 good articles for you to highlight this week. Hope they'll help you get new ideas and perspectives. (You can read this online!)

πŸ“š 3 Good Articles for You

How to choose the right note-taking app
by Ness Labs (12 mins)

  • Choosing the right note-taking app can be challenging due to the vast number of options available.
  • Note-taking styles vary, including architects (structured), gardeners (exploratory), and librarians (organized), and different apps cater to these styles.
  • Notable apps for architects include Notion, Coda, and Tettra, while apps for gardeners include Roam Research, Obsidian, TiddlyWiki, and RemNote.

πŸ”— Glasp Community Highlights

You’re Never Too Good for the Basics
by Scott H. Young (2 mins)

  • Basics matter more than advanced knowledge in various domains.
  • Mastery of skills comes from mastering the elemental components or basics.
  • To improve, one should pay attention to the basics, either by changing the environment, setting different goals, or analyzing work after completion.

πŸ”— Glasp Community Highlights

6 Reasons Startups Fail
by David Skok (7 mins)

  • Startups fail due to market problems, such as lack of demand and value proposition mismatch.
  • Failure to achieve product/market fit and validate ideas with customers leads to startup failure.
  • Weak management teams, running out of cash, and unrealistic assumptions about customer acquisition contribute to startup failures.

πŸ”— Glasp Community Highlights

πŸ“£ Community

  • πŸŸ₯ Read5for5:
    We had the Read5for5 reading challenge last week! And we saw many learners joining and sharing the challenge! Thank you for learning with us πŸ“š Please look at this page for all the articles in the challenge.
  • 🟦 Managing Your Reading List with Notion and Glasp:
    Did you know that you can show your reading list on Notion, Obsidian, and websites? It automatically updates and shows your latest reading articles! Please check here how it works πŸ‘€

Carlos Franco
Carlos is a freelance content creator and technical writer based in Seattle, focusing on health news and updates. His philosophy is that health information should be clear, concise, credible, and accessible. Please check out his newsletter, >It's Technical!

Carlos Franco

Please mention @Glasp and share your profile page on Twitter if you’d like to get featured!

🐣 User’s Hatch

Here’s an insightful hatch by Michael Nall

The Value of AI-Powered Tools in the Future of Knowledge and Economics

Hatch is a new feature that generates new ideas/articles by finding common points in two articles. Please check here to see how to use it.

❀️ Gratitude

We found some people who mentioned Glasp in their articles and blogs, and we appreciate all the kindness!

We found that Glasp was featured in the articles below. Thank you for writing about Glasp!

Thank you all for sharing and mentioning us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and/or in your blogs πŸ™‚ We appreciate all of your support! Please feel free to ask us anything at any time! Also, feel free to join our Slack community ;)

Hope you enjoyed reading this newsletter!
See you next week ;)

Kei and Kazuki

Quote of The Day: β€œIf you're offered a seat on a rocket ship, don't ask what seat! Just get on.” β€” Sheryl Sandberg

P.S. We are thinking about accepting newsletter sponsorship. If you are interested, please apply here.

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