
Apr 27, 2023: The End of Organizing

How's everything going? This is Kei and Kazuki,

April 10, 2023: Why Great Things Never Came From Comfort Zones

How's everything going? This is Kei and Kazuki,

April 3, 2023: How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big

How's everything going? This is Kei and Kazuki,

March 30, 2023: 5 Productivity Myths Ruining Your Life

How's everything going? This is Kei and Kazuki,

March 13, 2023: Efficiency is the Enemy

How's everything going? This is Kei and Kazuki,

March 6, 2023: Learning, Fast and Slow: Do Intensive Learning Projects Work Better Than Slow Ones?

How's everything going? This is Kei and Kazuki,

Mar 2, 2023: 3 Tips to Read More Books

How's everything going? This is Kei and Kazuki,

Feb 23, 2023: How to use “Solomon’s paradox” to give yourself good life advice

How's everything going? This is Kei and Kazuki,

Feb 6, 2023: Why Do People Learn Less as They Get Older?

How's everything going? This is Kei and Kazuki,

Jan 30, 2023: Did You Decide Who You Are? (Or Did Someone Else?)

How's everything going? This is Kei and Kazuki,

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